Monday, May 10, 2010

INSPIRATION... "Repent Harlequin!" said the Tick Tock Man

The clock and I have never seen eye to eye, so this story has special meaning to me and was an inspiration for "Tick Tock Order". Written by Harlan Ellison, ‘Repent Harlequin!’ said the ticktockman’ is a sci-fi short story from the 1960’s about a future in which time is regulated, and the harlequin is late for everything and punished for his tardy ways.

For Mine folklore, this power play has been flipped. The clock face shines like the moon & the harlequin sits on it’s hands in mock salute to time whilst the master time keeper has been turned into a cat who just purrs the seconds away.

This illustration is digitally printed onto silver silk twill and combined with midnight blues, shot silk red and bronze. The zig zag in the kaleidoscopic tree line is echoed throughout the collection... in geometric embroidery, knitted textures, patched on stripe waistbands like arrow ends, & bunting style trims laser-cut in raw silk and leather.

These triangular shapes and finishings hint to a native American decorative style, and all of the names are like chapters of the Mine mythology... turning a cautionary tale into one where time is not measured. Thanks to Alela Diane for her poetics & helping me name these garments ( many were dreamed up on her tour from London to France last summer ), and to my intern for a short but productive time, Miss Kelly Munnery for pinning the tale on this puddy'kat.

Ok clock, time to press POST.

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